Buffet clarinet serial number chart r13
Buffet clarinet serial number chart r13

buffet clarinet serial number chart r13

All Buffet clarinets come stamped with the basic, round logo, so any other distinguishing marks can be used for identification.

buffet clarinet serial number chart r13

Beside the top of the register key should be a marking that Buffet uses to identify the model of the clarinet. Can you help? Can you help? Answer: Coincidentally I also have an Evette and Schaeffer with the serial number K29xxx.Įxamine the side of the upper body of the clarinet to find the long, thin key just above the only hole located on the back of the instrument. Question: I am looking for the history of my clarinet and cannot find the background on Bb Evette & Schaeffer clarinet Buffet Crampon Paris France serial number K31xxx. Because Buffet clarinets have such a long history, determining the model can be exciting, especially if you discover that yours is one of the original-and valuable-models.

buffet clarinet serial number chart r13

Buffet clarinets first came to the United States in 1918 and have been sold there since. Buffet clarinets became widely recognized for their award-winning quality as early as the 1889 Universal Exhibition in Paris. Denis Buffet-Auger established a clarinet workshop in 1825 in Paris.

Buffet clarinet serial number chart r13