Comparacion entre openoffice vs libreoffice
Comparacion entre openoffice vs libreoffice

comparacion entre openoffice vs libreoffice

In 2011, Oracle Corporation (owner of Sun) announced that it would no longer offer a commercial version of the suite and denoted the project to Apache Foundation. In 2000, Sun open sourced OpenOffice suit as a competitor to Microsoft Office. Later, Sun Microsystems acquired StarOffice for internal use. OpenOffice is a discontinued open source office suite which was an open-sourced version of earlier StarOffice. The users can perform word processing, create and edit spreadsheets, presentation slides, draw diagrams, work with databases and perform various mathematical calculations using LibreOffice. Furthermore, LibreOffice provides various benefits.

comparacion entre openoffice vs libreoffice

It is the default office suite in many Linux distributions. It is also available in the form of an online office suite LibreOffice Online. LibreOffice is available in various platforms such as Microsoft Windows, MacOS and Linux.

comparacion entre openoffice vs libreoffice

Also, it has support for file formats of office suits such as Microsoft Office through different import and export filters. LibreOffice uses the international ISO/IEC standard OpenDocument file format (ODF) to save documents for all of its applications. It is a project of The Document Foundation. LibreOffice is a free, open-source office suite. – Comparison of Key Differences Key Terms Difference Between LibreOffice and OpenOffice And, both support the OpenDocument standard. LibreOffice and OpenOffice are two office suites. Therefore, an office suite helps in improving productivity. It provides the required tools and a consistent user interface to allow users to manage the business and personal tasks easily and efficiently. The main difference between LibreOffice and OpenOffice is that LibreOffice is a free and open source office suite of The Documents Foundation while OpenOffice is a discontinued open source office suite which was acquired by Sun Microsystems in 1999.Īn office suite is a collection of software that is suitable for knowledge workers.

Comparacion entre openoffice vs libreoffice