Dead space 1991
Dead space 1991

dead space 1991

A sex dream (with Subspecies star Laura Tate) provides the token topless scene and Singer's stupid wisecracking robot sidekick "Tinpan" and the lame monster creation compete for the most pitiful aspects of this boring mess. Naturally, a botched experiment creates a fast-growing, bloodthirsty mutant monster that kills people. Our gruff renegade hero ( Marc Singer) boards a spaceship full of male and female scientists. I really can't think of anything nice to say about it so we'll make this one short and sweet.

dead space 1991 dead space 1991

Basically a cheap waste of time with lousy performances, painfully bad dialogue and recycled Roger Corman factory space effects we've seen used time and time again (some from 1980's Battle Beyond the Stars). Terrible, nearly line-for-line / scene-for-scene remake of Forbidden World (1982), itself a pretty garden variety Alien wannabe.

Dead space 1991